The beauty that surrounds us 
Welcome to my site presenting my photographic projects and books. I like creating photographic stories around topics that I find interesting. Nonetheless, if there is a common theme underlying these projects, it is probably the beauty that surrounds us, wherever we are. There is more of it than we think; we just have to keep our eyes open!

Le Vieux Carouge

Le Vieux Carouge, une cité unique créée au XVIIIe siècle par le roi de Sardaigne pour concurrencer Genève, révèle ses secrets et ne cesse de nous séduire.

Les Couleurs du Grand-Saconnex

Every town has the right to a coffee-table book. The illustrated guide to Grand-Saconnex reveals its 800-years history, its charming sights and … its colours

Les Regards de Genève

Take an unusual tour of Geneva’s old town by following iron-cast manhole covers.

Aux bornes de Genève

The canton of Geneva was created in 1815. The project presents pictures of Geneva’s 200-year-old border stones and related stories.

“Le Vieux Carouge”, signé Genève

La journaliste Maryelle Budry a discuté le livre avec Ariel Pierre Haemmerlé dans le supplément de la Tribune de Genève « Signé Genève » du 30 septembre 2020

Article dans le GHI

Un article consacré au livre “Le Vieux Carouge”, qui vient de paraître, a été publié dans le GHI du 26 août 2020

“Vieux Carouge” dans “Vivre Carouge”

Le magazine de la Ville de Carouge a publié un article consacré au nouveau livre dans son édition du septembre 2020


I was born in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine, and naturalised Swiss in my commune of Grand-Saconnex. For more than twenty-five years, I have been working as an international civil servant in Geneva. Since 2008, I have been developing photographic projects some of which have materialized in books. One of my pictures was nominated best black-and-white portrait by PHOTOSWISS in 2010. I am member of associations Mémoire du Grand-Saconnex and Société Genevoise de Photographie and Past President of Lions Club Geneva Nations.